Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, with Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance
High-strength, low-alloy, hot- and cold-rolled sheet and strip in cut lengths or coils, meant for use in structural and miscellaneous purposes, where savings in weight or added durability are important.
These steels have enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance and are supplied in three types: Type 2 contains 0.20 % minimum copper based on cast or heat analysis (0.18 % minimum Cu for product check).
Type 4 and Type 5 contains additional alloying elements and provides a level of corrosion resistance that is significantly better than that of carbon steels with or without copper addition. When properly exposed to the atmosphere, Type 4 and Type 5 steels can be used in the unpainted condition for many uses.
Welding—In general, the steels listed in this specification are weldable with commonly obtained welding electrodes.
ASTM A606 Steel
- ASTM A606 Type 2
- ASTM A606 Type 4
- ASTM A606 Type 5
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